Building Your Attention Span
w/ Feldenkrais 8 Week Series

  • How often do you do one thing for 45 minutes without looking at a screen or talking to anyone?

  • How is your focus and attention span lately?

  • What are you practicing with your attention?


You’re not alone if you’re experiencing a major decrease in your capacity to pay attention. This is the nature of our current technological world.

THE GOOD NEWS: our attention span is like any muscle— the more that you practice sustaining it, the stronger it will be (Catherine Price).

“If we immediately entertain ourselves by talking, acting, by thinking—if there’s never any pause—we will never be able to relax. We will always be speeding through our lives.” - Pema Chodron

In Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons you will be guided to pay attention to movement, sensation and thoughts.

This series will offer the opportunity to strengthen focus while simultaneously making it easier to do every day movements.

We will reduce stress and tension, while increasing spaciousness, flow and capacity.

"The most important movement in the whole Feldenkrais repertoire is the movement of your attention."
- Russell Delman

What’s a Feldenkrais class like? 

Awareness Through Movement lessons involve instruction of gentle movements, mostly while lying down. Instead of focusing on a technique or posture, we focus on a moving with a quality of ease, presence and curiosity.

As my Feldenkrais teacher Aliza Stewart says, “We’re not here to “do” something, we’re here to “feel something.”

At the end of class there is space to share reflections and ask questions.

This series will include lessons in a variety of positions, on back, belly and the side to improve different kinds of actions and functions.

“Coming back to Feldenkrais after a long break is showing me more about what it does to my body and how much it changes the way I move/breathe/think. Thank you, as always, for bringing me back to myself,” - Oona

4 Layers of Benefits from Feldenkrais Method®:

1) Mindfulness & self-awareness – quieting the mind, focusing on the present moment, becoming more aware in day-to-day life

2) Safety & Ease – giving the brain signals of safety regulates the nervous system, soothes anxiety and re-wires neural pathways to orient towards ease and away from vigilance

3) Movement Improvement – becoming better organized, learning to use the body more efficiently with less holding & tension

4) Expanding Self-Image – knowing more of yourself, expanding your potential, breaking out of useless habits, movement as metaphor in your life

Who's Feldenkrais for?

  • Busy People who would like to feel more grounded, relaxed and embodied

  • People on a path of personal growth who want to increase their awareness and presence in life

  • Creative People like Artists, Musicians, Entrepreneurs, Dancers etc. who want to broaden their creativity and also improve their craft

  • People recovering from injury or illness

  • People with chronic pain

  • Anyone who would like to feel more mobility and ease in their daily lives

“During your class I noticed that my stress level went down, and places of chronic pain and tightness in my body released. I also found myself looking forward to the warm, relaxed, community feeling in the class.” - Emet Aron

What are the effects of Feldenkrais?


  • Pain

  • Stress

  • Stagnation

  • Tension and stiffness


  • Presence in day-to-day life

  • Mobility and ease with movement

  • Possibility & Flexibility of the mind

  • Creativity and inspiration

  • Focus

 “There is NO judgement -- it's all about curiosity and inquiry and truly caring for one's self and body.” - Maggie

Dates & Information:

  • 8 Week Series

  • Wednesdays, 6-7:15pm

  • March 19 - May 7

  • In person, in Florence

  • Full Series: Sliding Scale $120 - $180

  • Drop-in welcome: $17 - $20 / class.

  • partial scholarships available

  • Accessibility: There is one flight of stairs to climb to access the studio. Lessons are done lying down on a blanket on the floor.

  • Beginners welcome to attend any of the first 4 classes in order to attend the rest of the series, people with Feldenkrais experience can drop-in any time

pre-registration required for full series and drop-in

“I’ve felt more comfortable and mentally/ physically relaxed in my body than I have in a long time.” - Jessie Cahill

“This was a deeply nourishing experience. Michelle was relaxed and prepared, so I was able to completely trust her and relax into the experience. I looked forward to the sessions every week.” - Emily Fox, Dance Instructor

Questions? Email:

About Feldenkrais:

Feldenkrais is an embodied learning practice of slowing down and experiencing how you move. In a lesson we combine our own curiosity and awareness with Moshe Feldenkrais’ profound knowledge of coordination, efficient movement and developmental movement patterns.

We practice decreasing doing and increasing awareness, which has positive benefits of decreased pain and increased choice, which ripples out into your life.

Movement is the language of the nervous system. We improve our movements with attention, which improves the overall functioning of the nervous system.

Through the practice we tap into the neuroplastic quality of the brain to infinitely improve. Each lesson is designed to help the nervous system learn.

The practice unleashes human potential through a gentle unwinding of holding patterns.

In many mindfulness practices we use the mind to improve the body, in Feldenkrais we use movement to improve the mind. It feels like magic, and it’s scientific!

Testimonials for the Feldenkrais Method:

“[The work of] Feldenkrais represents a revolution in human health.”

—Smithsonian Magazine

“Following the program with Feldenkrais®, patients showed significant improvement in their levels of pain, decreased medication and increased quality of life.”

—American Journal of Pain Management