Feldenkrais Online Classes, Release tension, stiff chest

Are you committed to becoming more present in your life?

Do you carry stress and tightness in your chest?

Do you want to live more in your body?

This series offers 10 distinct Feldenkrais lessons to increase self-awareness, mobility, and nervous system regulation.

One of the revelations in my Feldenkrais training was the impact of learning to mobilize my chest and ribs. I hadn’t spent a lot of time focusing in this area and I had no idea how essential it is to full body freedom.

A lightbulb went off— of course in this world where emotional expression is repressed, people would unconsciously stiffen their chests.

This series aims to support students to soften the habitual pattern of holding the chest and allow for more flow.

Softening the Chest:

  • Creates more mobility through the spine

  • Increases support for the shoulders to rest

  • Opens up space for breath to flow

  • Supports movement of the neck and pelvis

  • Releases emotional tension from guarding around the heart

“I'm always so amazed at how differently I feel at the end of the lesson from such subtle movements. At the beginning of this lesson I could barely move my neck and at the end it was so easy! The classes allow me to connect deeper within and trust that patterns and possibilities are opening and changing. I find increased mobility and stability while also remembering to pursue life with ease” - Katie B.

Every action-pattern is an irreducible whole--a pattern of mind and body, feeling and thinking, sensing and moving: a relation between ourselves and the environment.
- Mark Reese from Feldenkrais Biography

What’s a Feldenkrais class like? 

Each lesson will begin with 5 minutes of self-connection time for writing, meditating, moving or whatever else supports your arrival, followed by a 45-50 minute guided Awareness Through Movement® Lesson.

Awarenes Through Movement lessons involve instruction of gentle movements, mostly while lying down. Instead of focusing on a technique or posture, we focus on a moving with a quality of ease, presence and curiosity. At the end of class there is space to share reflections and ask questions.

This series will include lessons in a variety of positions, on back, belly and the side to improve different kinds of actions and functions.

Who's Feldenkrais for?

  • People with busy lives who would like to feel more relaxed and embodied

  • People on a path of personal growth who want to increase their awareness and presence in life

  • Creative People like Artists, Musicians, Entrepreneurs, Dancers etc.

  • People recovering from injury or illness

  • People with chronic pain

  • Anyone who would like to feel more mobility and ease in their daily lives

What are the Benefits of Feldenkrais?


  • Pain

  • Stress

  • Stagnation

  • Tension and stiffness


  • Presence in day-to-day life

  • Mobility and ease with movement

  • Flexibility of the mind

  • Creativity and inspiration

  • Focus

 “Michelle's teaching style is, for me, a perfect balance of gentle honoring of the body as it is now, and direct leading of the body to where it can eventually go.” - Ash Martin

Dates & Information:

  • 10 Week Series: October 10 - December 15 (note there will be no class on October 31, November 24 or December 12)

  • TWO TIMES! Mondays- 8-9pm & Thursdays 10-11am EST, you may attend either time or both!

  • Online Zoom Classes

  • You will have access to all class recordings

  • Earlybird: $140 by October 7, Regular $155

  • *LOCAL SPECIAL: Go deeper with your learning. Series + Hands-on Functional Integration Lesson for $215, normally $230. Does not apply to initial intake session.

  • Drop-in welcome, $15 / class, no recordings

  • partial scholarships available

“Michelle taught us how to connect the constellation of our bodies into something fluid and knowable. The classes are a much needed lesson in the wisdom of the body, the benefits of slowing down, and how sometimes the smallest movements have the greatest impacts. I have loved learning about myself through Feldenkrais classes with Michelle for years, and her warmth, humor, and love for teaching is infectious.” - Oona Robertson

Sign Up for Series:

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions:

Questions? Email: Michelle.a.Huber@gmail.com

About Feldenkrais:

Feldenkrais is an embodied learning practice of slowing down and experiencing how you move. In a lesson we combine our own curiosity and awareness with Moshe Feldenkrais’ profound knowledge of coordination, efficient movement and developmental movement patterns.

Moshe Feldenkrais quote

We practice decreasing doing and increasing awareness, which has positive benefits of decreased pain and increased choice, which ripples out into your life.

Movement is the language of the nervous system. We improve our movements with attention, which improves the overall functioning of the nervous system.

Through the practice we tap into the neuroplastic quality of the brain to infinitely improve. Each lesson is designed to help the nervous system learn.

The practice unleashes human potential through a gentle unwinding of holding patterns.

In many mindfulness practices we use the mind to improve the body, in Feldenkrais we use movement to improve the mind. It feels like magic, and it’s scientific!

Testimonials for the Feldenkrais Method:

“[The work of] Feldenkrais represents a revolution in human health.”

—Smithsonian Magazine

“Following the program with Feldenkrais®, patients showed significant improvement in their levels of pain, decreased medication and increased quality of life.”

—American Journal of Pain Management