Power of the Pelvis

6 Week Feldenkrais Series

The Pelvis is your Power Center.

In this series we will improve the mobility of your pelvis, which can significantly improve back pain, strength, strain from sitting and overall well-being.

In my Feldenkrais training we had a running joke whenever someone had an inquiry— there are always two answers to every question: "it depends," and "the pelvis." Do you get it? The pelvis is very often THE answer.

In Awareness Through Movement Lessons we Practice rest

 Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® aligns with current brain science showing that there is infinite potential for neural growth and change. Awareness Through Movement helps to create new and stronger neural pathways which support your brain in making better choices.

Practice Ease

The brain learns what is practiced. In Feldenkrais we practice orienting towards pleasant, easy sensations and movements, that lead to an increase in clarity, relaxation, choice, pleasure and calm. The increase of embodied awareness supports nervous system regulation.

Every week we interrupt habitual patterns of tension, over-efforting and exhaustive ambition

We trade them in for new habits of ease, efficiency, deep listening and empowerment

What’s a class like? 

Each lesson will begin with 5 minutes of self-connection time for writing, meditating, moving or whatever else supports your arrival, followed by a 45-50 minute guided Awareness Through Movement® Lesson. At the end of class there is space to share reflections and ask questions.

We will explore movements of the pelvis and whole self in a variety of positions, on back, belly and the side. Each lesson is distinct and supports a comprehensive understanding of the movements of the pelvis.

Who's it for?

curiosity is a key of the Feldenkrais Method
  • Creative People like Artists, Musicians, Entrepreneurs, Dancers etc.

  • People recovering from injury or illness

  • People with chronic pain

  • People with busy lives who would like to feel more relaxed and embodied

  • People on a path of personal growth who want to increase their awareness and presence in life

  • Anyone who would like to feel more mobility and ease in their daily lives

Dates & Information:

  • 6 Week Series: January 10 - February 17th

  • TWO TIMES! Mondays- 8-9pm & Thursdays 10-11am EST, you may attend either time or both!

  • Online Zoom Classes

  • You will have access to all class recordings

  • Full Series $75

  • *LOCAL SPECIAL: Go deeper with your learning. Power of the Pelvis series + Hands-on Functional Integration Lesson for $135, normally $150.

  • *REFER A FRIEND SPECIAL: You both get $5 off at registration the first time a friend signs up for a series

  • Drop-in: $15 (no recordings)

Sign Up:

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions:

Pay With a Credit Card Here (after filling out the registration form)

Questions? Email: Michelle.a.Huber@gmail.com

What people are saying about Feldenkrais with Michelle Huber:

“I'm always so amazed at how differently I feel at the end of the lesson from such subtle movements. At the beginning of this lesson I could barely move my neck and at the end it was so easy!" - Katie B.

 “my right shoulder feels so much better and it’s been a near constant pain for over a month now.” - Elena Karlsen-Ayala

 “Michelle's teaching style is, for me, a perfect balance of gentle honoring of the body as it is now, and direct leading of the body to where it can eventually go.” - Ash Martin

About Feldenkrais:

Feldenkrais is an embodied learning practice of slowing down and experiencing how you move. In a lesson we combine our own curiosity and awareness with Moshe Feldenkrais’ profound knowledge of coordination and developmental movement patterns.

It’s a practice of decreasing doing and increasing awareness, which often has positive benefits of decreased pain and increased choice, which ripples out into your life.

Movement is the language of the nervous system. We improve our movements with attention, which improves the overall functioning of the nervous system.

Through the practice we tap into the neuroplastic quality of the brain to infinitely improve.

The practice unleashes potential.

In many mindfulness practices we use the mind to improve the body, in Feldenkrais we use movement to improve the mind. It’s magic! And scientific!