Practice Feldenkrais on Your Own Time
Exploring Neck and Shoulders
4 Full Length Downloadable Feldenkrais Lessons
“I woke up this morning without the usual intense cramps in my neck that I have grown accustomed to first thing in the morning. It was amazing to wake up with a free neck!” - Jackie Ryan
Develop more support and ease in your neck and shoulders. Lessons include lengthening in the spine, releasing the neck, understanding the movements of the shoulders, expanding possibility, and supporting the nervous system.
Supporting the Freedom of Your Jaw
6 Downloadable Feldenkrais Lessons
3 Videos to energize and Free your Voice
Working with your Jaw can decrease anxiety, headaches, teeth grinding as well as support your vision and your overall nervous system regulation.
* 3 Voice videos can also be purchased separately here
“I feel vast and in touch with my inner beauty. My jaw feels light, my neck feels more free. I feel rested as though I was massaged deep inside”
The Antidote to Working at Home
6 Full Length Downloadable Feldenkrais Lessons
6 Take-a-break Scores (10-20 minutes of instructions for connecting to yourself, ways to creatively get in your body and shift energy)
This series focuses on the areas often strained from working at home: wrists, eyes, neck, shoulders, back, alignment and YOUR WELL-BEING
“After the series I am more able to maintain dual awareness of my body and my work, rather than getting completely swallowed in Screenland, such that I find. myself making more microadjustments in my posture, taking mini-breaks for my eyes, etc., and actually getting up and moving about more, before sitting back down to work.”
Practicing Softening and EXPANSION
5 Full Length Downloadable Feldenkrais Lessons
“I found Michelle’s class to be a gentle journey into an intensive engagement with my body’s subtleties and potential. Her calm, clear, finely paced guidance led to a glorious respite from everyday agendas and the anxiety of a culture obsessed with speed and will. I found myself smiling through a whole session on softening and expansion- what a wonderful time to deeply explore the body’s realms that so often gets ignored or dismissed.” - Kara Mcdonag
Explore the essential qualities of softening and expanding through five diverse lessons, in multiple positions, including in a chair.