Winter Tune up / Tune in

Feldenkrais Workshop for Grounding

give yourself a beautiful tune up by tuning in

In Awareness Through Movement Lessons we Practice rest

This workshop aims to counter the winter posture of shoulders rolled in and a tight chest. We will give ourselves the time to unwind and spread out.

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® aligns with current brain science showing that there is infinite potential for neural growth and change. Awareness Through Movement helps to create new and stronger neural pathways which support your brain in making better choices.

Practice Ease

The brain learns what is practiced. In Feldenkrais we practice orienting towards pleasant, easy sensations and movements, that lead to an increase in clarity, relaxation, choice, pleasure and calm. The increase of embodied awareness supports nervous system regulation.

THEME: Mobilizing the Shoulders

We will integrate movements of the pelvis, spine and ribs to make the shoulders lighter.

It's so common as the weather gets colder for the shoulders to ride up to the ears, let’s soften that pattern!

What’s the workshop like?

1) Arrival and check-in
2) Awareness Through Movement Lesson part 1
3) Check-in and Pause
4) Awareness Through Movement Lesson part 2
5) Integration time — space to write, rest or move freely
6) Sharing Reflections and Wrap-Up

“I’ve felt more comfortable and mentally/ physically relaxed in my body than I have in a long time.” - Jessie Cahill


  • Sunday, December 8th

  • 10-12:15pm ET

  • Sliding Scale $35 - $55

  • Online

 “There is NO judgement -- it's all about curiosity and inquiry and truly caring for one's self and body.” - Maggie

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What people are saying about Feldenkrais with Michelle Huber:

“I'm always so amazed at how differently I feel at the end of the lesson from such subtle movements. At the beginning of this lesson I could barely move my neck and at the end it was so easy!" - Katie B.

 “my right shoulder feels so much better and it’s been a near constant pain for over a month now.” - Elena Karlsen-Ayala

 “Michelle's teaching style is, for me, a perfect balance of gentle honoring of the body as it is now, and direct leading of the body to where it can eventually go.” - Ash Martin

About Feldenkrais:

Feldenkrais is an embodied learning practice of slowing down and experiencing how you move. In a lesson we combine our own curiosity and awareness with Moshe Feldenkrais’ profound knowledge of coordination, efficient movement and developmental movement patterns.

We practice decreasing doing and increasing awareness, which has positive benefits of decreased pain and increased choice, which ripples out into your life.

Movement is the language of the nervous system. We improve our movements with attention, which improves the overall functioning of the nervous system.

Through the practice we tap into the neuroplastic quality of the brain to infinitely improve. Each lesson is designed to help the nervous system learn.

The practice unleashes human potential through a gentle unwinding of holding patterns.

In many mindfulness practices we use the mind to improve the body, in Feldenkrais we use movement to improve the mind. It feels like magic, and it’s scientific!

Testimonials for the Feldenkrais Method:

“[The work of] Feldenkrais represents a revolution in human health.” —Smithsonian Magazine

“Following the program with Feldenkrais®, patients showed significant improvement in their levels of pain, decreased medication and increased quality of life.”
—American Journal of Pain Management