Where am I now?
Where am I going?


A movement, meditation, writing, & sharing
spring equinox workshop

“We do not have to improve ourselves; we just have to let go of what blocks our heart.” - Jack Kornfield

“Mindfulness is a pause – the space between stimulus and response:
that’s where choice lies.”
- Tara Brach

What is the wisdom of your current moment?

We are moving into spring, a time of buds growing on trees, flowers popping out of the earth and ice melting. What are you calling in for this spring? What does this transition mean for you?

Let’s come together to take stock, pause and inquire into what is happening right now in your life and where you want to be.

We will use the tools of open movement, writing, meditation and intentional sharing with prompts to explore together.

Reflecting in a group is a powerful way to focus, learn from others and be joined in your process.

This is for you if…

  • You thrive doing contemplative practice in community

  • You have a busy life and you struggle to make time for contemplative practice

  • You enjoy learning from the wisdom of a group

  • You care about being more present

  • You want time to be in your body

  • Your life is full of stimulation and you want to slow down

Dates & Information:

  • Saturday, March 22

  • 4-6pm

  • Studio Firenze, 140 Pine Street, Florence MA

  • Suggested contribution: $20-$45 or pay from the heart!

Accessibility: We will be meeting in a dance studio up a couple of flights of stairs. There is no elevator. The studio has some chairs and pillows.

Sign Up for workshop here:

Questions? Email: Michelle.a.Huber@gmail.com

What people are saying about classes with Michelle:

“Michelle is skilled, warm-hearted and open. She creates a rich and wonderful space for our inner worlds to be revealed. We have time to connect in ways that are gentle and also to experience the discomforts that arise as humans meet our edges and challenge our assumptions. This can be done because Michelle creates a container that is rooted in humility, honesty and kindness.”

“I am taking away a better sense of who I am and what I have offer, and a greater appreciation for others and their gifts. I am taking away a better capacity to check out my assumptions and be more curious about others without trying to change them”

"Michelle holds such a warm, open, honest space. In this container, the group was able to open to rich, revealing, and transformative processes in every session."

“Michelle taught us how to connect the constellation of our bodies into something fluid and knowable. The classes are a much needed lesson in the wisdom of the body, the benefits of slowing down, and how sometimes the smallest movements have the greatest impacts.” - Oona Robertson 

“Warm, open, curious, inviting. Supportive and safe. A great blend of spacious and engaged. Skilled.”

“I love working with Michelle! She is such a good listener and instantly makes me comfortable!” - Melissa McClung, Filmmaker

“Michelle’s warm, kind manner, precise and thorough instructions, and unfailingly encouraging attitude have brought me on a healing journey with Feldenkrais for which I am deeply grateful.” - Kamas Choi

"Michelle's classes are fun, relaxing and I come away feeling more connected." - Heather Tauck

artwork at the top of the page by Kendra Rosenblatt