Presencing the Sternum
As this is the last class of the series, and we can't finish without highlighting the sternum! In this lesson we will explore how increasing your awareness of the sternum can lead to greater mobility in the spine. You can see in the image below how the sternum is parallel to the spine and connected through the ribs. This lesson will be mostly on the side turning the spine and sternum together. We will also attend to the ribs and pelvis.
Begin in standing
“I felt like superwoman when I stood up at the end”
Oscillations through the Spine
In this lesson we will send oscillations through the spine in many different positions through rocking. It's a very soothing, relaxing, fun and loosening practice. Loosen the body, loosen the mind! This lesson is on the back.
“The way that the nervous system organizes around rhythmic experience and the way that rhythmic experience organizes the nervous system.” -- Steve Hoskinson, Founder of Organic Intelligence
Subtle Movements of the Spine on the Side
In this lesson we will clarify the movements of flexion and extension of the spine. We will attend to articulating each vertebrae while on the side. This lesson is excellent to bring you into a parasympathetic state-- more relaxed and able to learn. This lesson is done on the side lying on your arm under your head, but if that is uncomfortable for you, please bring a folded up towel to put under your head.
“My spine feels very different, much freer and upright.” - RM
Spine like a Chain with Breath Exploration
In this lesson we will attend to articulating and lifting each vertebrae while on the back. We will incorporate the breath to support releasing the diaphragm, pelvic floor and other contracted muscles involved with respiration.
This is a quote from Ruthy Alon's Mindful Spontaneity that inspired something I said in class today:
"Just as there is not one face in the whole world exactly like yours, so there is no other back structured exactly like yours, nor one which functions exactly like yours. Your ability to be attentive to your uniqueness can enable you to improve your habitual patterns. You may perhaps still be expecting salvation to come by means of borrowed and conventional formulas, but no standard formula can fit the 1001 complex combinations that your exclusive life has created."
Turning the Spine on the Belly
In this lesson we will mobilize the spine using the weight of the legs and head to gently turn the spine through dynamic variations. This lesson relates to last week, but now in a new orientation to gravity-- on the belly. It also stands alone, in case you weren't there. We connect the legs, arms, pelvis, spine, neck, and eyes. Make sure you have a blanket nearby in case you get cold.
Turning the Spine from Head to Pelvis
In this lesson we will use the weight of the legs and head to gently turn the spine through dynamic variations. We connect the feet, pelvis, spine, neck, and eyes. We will be on the back. Make sure you have a blanket nearby in case you get cold.
Arcing the Arm to Articulate the Spine
This lesson will be on the side articulating the spine with the help of the arm, neck, chest and eyes. You will need a folded towel to put under your head.
Some Comments after the lesson:
“More relaxed than I’ve been in weeks!”
”My neck got fixed!”
"slowing down, ahhhhh”
"I feel my body more engaged now”
“Just exactly what i needed”
“I feel taller”
"Spiraling into more spaciousness in my spine”
"Deeply relaxed”
Lengthening the Spine, Improving Inner Alignment
This series will focus on making space in the spine and integrating the whole self. Feldenkrais lessons support an organized distribution of effort throughout your entire system. We learn to use ourselves well, with less work and more ease. Lessons will be in a variety of positions, on back, belly and the side. We will investigate our habits, become more aware in the present moment and give ourselves time to recharge.
Each lesson will begin with 5 minutes of self-connection time for writing, meditating, moving or whatever else supports you in arrival. After, there will be 45-50 minutes of a guided Awareness Through Movement® Lesson and 5 minutes of sharing reflections at the end. Each lesson is distinct and addresses a different aspect of lengthening the spine.